Sunday, June 8, 2008

Some More Photos

A few more photos from the convention:

Claude picked up a rather smart beret.  Anne Buckley and I tried to convince him it looked best backwards (as in the photo), but as a former IBM guy, Claude seemed reluctant to 'take a walk on the wild side.'

The fellow on the left (with long hair) is Matt Tranchin, who along with Brent Rosenthal, was the Obama campaign field coordinator for Dallas. Matt originally is from the Park Cities and began working for Senator Obama after watching his speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004.  Matt's awaiting word from the Obama campaign on word of his assignment for the fall.

Jason Mattox posing with his daughter and Barbara Churchman.  Not the best photo of our fearless leader, but, as you can tell, he had his hands full.

The scene outside the convention center during our fire alarm interlude.

For earlier photos, click here.

For full convention coverage, click here.

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