Saturday, June 7, 2008

A first for everyone

During a roll call vote on whether or not to table the resolution to end the Texas Two Step, a fire alarm was triggered and the entire convention had to evacuate. Senator Royce West (from SD 23) is leading a task force to more fully analyze the caucus/primary process in Texas and was also the author of the motion to table - allowing his committee to further their work in a very inclusive process. The table motion carried by a wide margin (78.7% to 21.3%). The anger or frustration on the Texas Two Step seems to be motivated by those concerned that Clinton won the popular vote in Texas but failed to win a majority of the delegates.

Jason Mattox, precinct chair

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If West is interested in getting some input, he should have waited until a little discussion on the resolution had occurred before tabling it. A hall full of thousands of people who had been elected delegates through the caucus system to the state convention was the appropriate place to discuss the resolution and that is why 30 percent of the delegates signed the petition in the first place, to bring it to the floor for a discussion. Isn't discussion one of the great benefits of the convention/caucus system.